General privacy policy

General information

Contact details of the data protection officer:

Collection of personal data

Usually collected data will not be passed on to third parties respectively a data transfer will only take place with the explicit consent of the person concerned or with another legitimate legal basis.

Business contacts

HTV collects the contact data of customers, interested parties and suppliers, such as name, phone number and E-mail address.

Recipient of newsletter

For sending the HTV-Newsletter the required contact information of the recipients is stored. This includes E-mail address, last name (if applicable first name and title) as well as company affiliation.

Website visitors

For statistical evaluation HTV records some data of user-access when visiting the HTV website (e.g. IP address and country of access). Identifiable data will be anonymised immediately after recording.

Processing Purposes/Usage

Sending of the HTV-Newsletter

To subscribe to the newsletter, the providing of consent and of personal contact data is required. These will be used exclusively for sending the HTV Newsletter. The data will not be passed on to third parties. An evaluation for analysis purposes only happens after anonymization and therefore not with personal data.

Business Contacts

Contact details of contact persons of customers, interested parties or suppliers are maintained as customer data and are used exclusively for business contacts and purposes of order – or quotation processing. It is not passed on to third parties. An evaluation for statistical purposes is also not carried out.

Website visitors

For statistical evaluation HTV uses the open source software Piwik. Piwik applies so-called “cookies” to analyze the user behavior of the website visitors. The collected data will not be disclosed to third parties. By adjusting the browser settings or via signing off the collection of information about the usage behavior can be prevented.

Duration of data storage

Personal data is only stored as long as necessary respectively as long as required by the legal obligations to preserve data (usually 10 years). Data for newsletter recipients will only be retained by HTV until unsubscribing. Data of website visitors will be anonymised immediately upon registration and will therefore never be recorded in its pure form.