Accredited test laboratory

Applied standards

  • DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025
  • DIN EN ISO 3497


Globally accredited non-invasive layer thickness measurement for the inspection of metal coatings in the micro- and nanometer range:

  • Soldered surfaces of printed circuit boards
  • Coatings of solder contacts or connectors
  • Corrosion protection coatings
  • Chromate coating
  • Finishing (i.e., gilding of jewelry)

Methods for measuring layer thickness:

Non-invasive XRF is the most commonly used method for qualitative and quantitative determination of the layer thickness of a sample in the nanometer and micrometer range.

The Accredited Testing Laboratory for Material Analysis of HTV (international standard DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025) can provide layer thickness measurements of metals with the X-ray fluorescence method, all according to DIN EN ISO 3497.

Via this method, hard gold platings on connectors or the layer thicknesses of a PCB finish, among other things, can be checked quickly and non-invasively for the qualification or quality control of coatings during mass production.

As one of a select few laboratories in Germany HTV can provide you with results for layer thickness measurements via an X-ray fluorescence analysis (XRF), which are globally comparable under an international standard.